QiD is a breakthrough AI technology solution that is accurately able to determine who a person actually is rather than who the person says he/she is or having to rely on any 'proof' of identity…
By employing an advanced neuromorphic biometric technology (code-named 'aiDX') developed by research scientists at aiQ Cognitive Technologies ('aiQ') (ex University Of Johannesburg (South Africa)), QiD is uniquely able to interpret personal identity to determine the true identity of a person
The result is a powerful (proprietary) technology solution that promises to arrest the problem of identity theft while rendering all identity credentials - signatures, identity documents, login names/passwords/PINs… completely redundant
And it does it all on the one device we all already carry with us all over all the time - a standard, off-the-shelf mobile phone (even low-end phones) equipped with a ~2MP camera, without having to download and install any special app…
Identity Theft
The problem of identity theft is a global phenomenon which, in spite of every countermeasure employed by private and public organisations to contain it, has nevertheless continued to escalate unchecked in the world…
By 2027, the global cost of identity theft is projected to amount to a staggering US$23.82 trillion per annum…
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have declared identity theft as an international crime of 'epidemic proportions', classifying the problem either as 'conventional' or as 'synthetic'…
Conventional identity theft occurs when a person's entire identity is stolen which impostors fraudulently use to impersonate the person and do what only that person is allowed to do - access/login/buy/sell/pay/invest/transfer/sign/vote…
Synthetic identify theft occurs when only a part of a person's identity is used (first/last name) together with information gathered from other sources to create a brand new fake identity
According to the US Federal Trade Commission, synthetic identity theft has increased by more than 200% over the past 5 years and is expected to escalate even further in the future
The Problem...
Establishing the identity of a new customer, employee, patient, student… generally tends to follow a very basic two-step process…
Step 1: Initially, a person makes a claim to identity… “I am Bob”
Step 2: To prove he is who he says he is, the person then tenders some form of credential as ‘proof’ of identity:
something which we expect only the person is able to do… draw a squiggle on a piece of paper or a tablet with a pen (signature);
something which we expect only the person to have… ID, passport, driver’s license… (document);
something which we expect only the person to know… login name/password, PIN, ‘secret’ answer to some question (information);
something which we expect only the person to be… fingerprint, faceprint, voiceprint… (biometric)
Subsequently, every time the person is required to prove identity, he is then requested to present his credential (signature, document, information or biometric), and if his credential matches what he originally tendered, then it is merely assumed that his identity has been confirmed - that he is who he claimed to be…
However, and as experience overwhelming continues to demonstrate, this identification process is both weak and highly vulnerable to identity theft…
Firstly, the identification process is self-referentially incoherent - ultimately, it relies entirely on the person’s own say-so… “I am Bob ‘cause I say I’m Bob”…
And secondly, because a person’s identity credentials can easily be spoofed, faked or cloned (in different ways and to different degrees), the identity process is highly vulnerable to identity hacks, a fact which fraudsters are easily able to exploit…
The Solution…
QiD is predicated on the fact that, even though a person may (licitly or fraudulently) change his/her name at any time, and even though a person may (licitly or fraudulently) replace his/her identity credentials (passport for example) at any time, the person nevertheless remains exactly who he/she is - personal identity is an immutable attribution that uniquely defines who we each are, for life…
Personal identity can never be altered, nor can it be copied or cloned or reproduced in any way - it is also something which we can never rid ourselves of or be dispossessed of
Since QiD concerns itself exclusively with personal identity - who a person actually is, QiD is a technology solution that is thoroughly immune to identity theft
QiD has been built on aiDX, a Neuromorphic Biometric technology that is able to simulate human cognition - how the human mind/brain proceeds to recognise someone…
From a single ‘3D selfie’ captured by aiDX of a subject in an embedded browser window on the subject's own mobile phone, a subject's personal identity is algorithmically expressed as a complex, irreversible, de-identifiable cryptographic biohash ('QiD') which uniquely identifies a subject for life
A subject's own, unique QiD is permanently assigned a unique identifier ('aiDX UUID')…
A subject's own, unique aiDX UUID (a subject does not need to record or memorise or even be aware of his/her own unique aiDX UUID), is used by the Principal Subscriber as a key to identify a customer, an employee, a patient, a student, a member, a citizen…
Because QiD is not concerned with who a subject claims to be (even if the subject is able to support his/her claim to identity with some credentials as 'proof' of identity), QiD obviates the need for any user login names, passwords and PINs - while this introduces a far more convenient, completely frictionless user experience (UX), it ensures that only the actual user is granted access to his/her own account, send/receive money, withdraw cash, invest, pay bills, sign contracts…
As a no-code ID-as-a-Service (IDaaS) technology solution, QiD can easily and seamlessly be deployed as a component inside a Principal Subscriber’s own mobile app as an iFrame - no SDK integration
Principal Subscriber
Any entity (business, organisation, agency, government…) who needs to know who its customers, its employees, its patients, its students, its members, its subscribers, its citizens… actually are, is able to adopt QiD as a KYC technology solution and embed it seamlessly into its own mobile app by making a simple, secure API call to the QiD API
To be recognised as a Principal, aiQ requires a few important details about the applicant - click/touch here to submit an on-line application…
Once an entity is onboarded as a Principal, (restricted) development access to the QiD API is enabled ahead of (unrestricted) production access to the QiD Service
Transaction Cost
QiD operates on a large-volume-low-per-transaction cost model
Since the actual cost depends entirely on several factors - the country in which the Principal operates, projected transaction volumes and the Principal Subscriber’s preferred currency, a bespoke cost model will be structured, tailored to suit the peculiar requirements of the Principal Subscriber…
Copyright - aiQ Cognitive Technologies (Pty) Ltd