Neuromorphic Biometric

Neuromorphic Biometric

Neuromorphic Biometric

An advanced neuromorphic biometric technology that simulates human cognition to measure haecceity - that part of us that uniquely defines who we each actually are…


Using neuromorphic computing, an advanced form of artificial intelligence (AI), research scientists at aiQ Cognitive Technologies ('aiQ') have successfully been able to develop a revolutionary new biometric technology (code-named ‘aiDX’) that is able to simulate human cognition - how the mind/brain proceeds to recognise things and people - to answer the “Who?”-question properly (who is someone actually) by interpreting personal identity

aiDX recognises that we are each so much more than just a few minutiae at the end of our fingertips or a few landmark points visible in the human face (which conventional fingerprint and facial recognition biometrics use in an attempt to estimate the identity of a person)

aiDX answers five of the most difficult (but most important) questions of our time:

  • Is someone actually who he says he is?” - Authentication (1:1)

  • Who is this someone?” - Identification (1:∞)

  • Is this someone an actual/real/live person?” - Proof-Of-Life/Liveness

  • Is this person pretending to be someone else?” - Impostor Detection

  • Is this person known under different identities?” - Alias Detection

aiDX can easily be deployed in the one device we all already carry with us all over all the time - a standard, off-the-shelf mobile phone (even low-end phones)

From a single ‘3D selfie’ captured by aiDX of a person in an embedded browser window on his own mobile phone, aiDX mathematically computes and expresses 'personal identity' as a complex, irreversible, de-identifiable 512-alpha/numeric character cryptographic hash which uniquely identifies a person for life…

The following comparison roughly illustrates the extent to which aiDX advances biometrics well beyond the limits of conventional biometrics…

Conventional Biometrics

Conventional biometric modalities (fingerprint, faceprint, voiceprint…) attempt to guess the identity of a person by ‘connecting the dots’ - nodes found on a fingertip, in a face or in a voice to draw a geometric pattern that is assumed to represent a person - fingerprint biometrics for example attempt to locate small minutiae on a fingertip, faceprint biometrics attempt to locate key landmarks (forehead, eyes, ears, nose, mouth…) visible in the human face and voice biometrics look for inflections that can be detected in a person’s voice 

While conventional biometrics work quite OK under ideal conditions (when good lighting is present or in quiet surrounds for example), the limited number of ‘dots’ that can detected on a fingerprint or in a face or in a voice, necessarily limit their use to small (1:1) applications - open a door or unlock a phone for or confirm a specific person’s identity for example

This makes conventional biometrics unsuitable for large (1:∞) population groups

Even under normal conditions, conventional biometrics tend to suffer from a very high rate of failure, all of which gives rise to the possibility of false positives - when one person is misidentified as someone else and so, allow the wrong person to do what only the right person ought to be able to do

The reasons for the poor performance of conventional biometrics, are well understood:

  • The number of minutiae that can be detected on a finger is severely affected in the case of worn/grubby fingerprints (manual labourers for example)

  • In the case of certain demographics, facial landmarks are difficult to discern (dark African or light Nordic complexions)

  • Emotional stress or ill-health tend to cause a person’s voice to be almost unrecognisably altered

aiDX on the other hand recognises that we are each so much more than just a few minutiae at the end of our fingertips, or a few landmarks on our faces, or a few inflections in our voices…

'Personal Identity'

Human cognition is a complex and enigmatic neuromorphological process that is able to semantically interpret personal identity without having to reference any specific physiognomic features

Metaphysicists describe ‘personal identity’ as ‘the ontological essence of being’ - that ‘ethereal something’ which uniquely defines who we each are for life

The concept of 'personal identity' can best be explained analogically by asking - do you recognise the person portrayed in the accompanying image rendering? Most people, even though they don’t know him personally and have never met him in real life, would probably have no difficulty in recognising the person portrayed in the adjoining image…

As you proceed to identify the person portrayed in the image, carefully analyse exactly what you did to recognise the person in the image as US President Donald Trump, given the fact that he probably never introduced himself to you, or that he never proved who he is by presenting you with his passport, or that he never shared some secret code with you or that he never gave you his fingerprint - the cognitive process as you identified the person portrayed in the image, crudely explains the process which aiDX employs when it proceeds to assesses personal identity

As you proceed to identify the person portrayed in the image, carefully analyse exactly what you did to recognise the person in the image as US President Donald Trump, given the fact that he probably never introduced himself to you, or that he never proved who he is by presenting you with his passport, or that he never shared some secret code with you or that he never gave you his fingerprint - the cognitive process as you identified the person portrayed in the image, crudely explains the process which aiDX employs when it proceeds to assesses personal identity

The Ship Of Theseus

The Ship Of Theseus is a thought experiment which further helps to explain ‘personal identity’ and in particular, that it is an attribution which uniquely identifies a person throughout his life…

According to legend, the mythical Greek founder-king of Athens, Theseus, commissioned a ship to be built to explore the furthest ends of the world

During the course of the long and arduous journey, every plank, nail, sail, rope and fibre onboard the Theseus had to be replaced as the weather took its toll upon the vessel

The question that’s intrigued philosophers ever since, is this… when the ship finally returns to port after several years and having had all its parts replaced, is it still the Theseus?

In other words… did the Theseus lose its identity in the process of having all its constituent parts replaced? Conventional wisdom dictates that the obvious answer is an emphatic, “Of course - the ship is still the Theseus!

During the average lifetime of a person, every cell in the human body (stem cells excepted) is replaced 7-12 times on average, and yet, like the Theseus, we nevertheless remain who we each are for life

While our names and our identity documents may change during our lifetimes, we each nevertheless remain who we actually are

User Experience

While aiDX is ‘rocket science’ in the back-end, a great deal of attention and effort has been expended to ensure a ‘super friendly’ user experience (UX)


As a ‘no code’ technology solution that requires nothing more than a tiny URL to initialise an aiDX instance inside a browser window as an iFrame on a user’s own mobile phone, aiDX can easily and seamlessly be securely embedded into a mobile app


Any entity (business, organisation, agency, government…) who needs to know who its customers, its employees, its patients, its students, its members, its subscribers, its citizens… actually are, is able to adopt aiDX as a KYC technology solution and embed it seamlessly into its own mobile app by making a simple, secure API call to the aiDX API

To be recognised as a Principal, aiQ requires a few important details about the applicant - click/touch here to submit an on-line application…

Once an entity is onboarded as a Principal, (restricted) development access to the aiDX API is enabled ahead of (unrestricted) production access to the aiDX Service


aiDX operates on a large-volume-low-cost (LVLC) per transaction cost model

Since the actual cost depends entirely on several factors - the country in which the Principal operates, projected transaction volumes and the Principal’s preferred currency, a bespoke cost model will be structured, tailored to suit the peculiar requirements of the Principal…

Live Demo

A live demo showcasing an actual implementation of aiDX on a mobile phone, can be viewed here

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