The definitive answer to identity theft…

The definitive answer to identity theft…

The definitive answer to identity theft…

Using advanced AI to answer the “Who?”-question properly with reference to who a person actually is rather than who he says he is, QiD is a revolutionary new technology solution that voids the possibility of identity theft while making a completely frictionless user experience possible…


QiD is a proprietary technology solution engineered to answer the (very important but very difficult) “Who?”-question with reference to who a person actually is rather than who he says he is - this represents a revolutionary break with the past and threatens to radically disrupt conventional KYC methods and measures

By concerning itself exclusively with who a person actually is rather than who a person says he is, QiD:

  • promises to arrest the out-of-control scourge of identity theft in the world;

  • obviates the need for any proof of identity (ID book/card, passport, driver’s licence…);

  • renders all login names/passwords/PINs… completely redundant

Conventional KYC

Conventional KYC methods and measures effectively rely entirely on a person’s own say-so…“I am Bob - trust me when I tell you that I am Bob” - this exposes a patent vulnerability in the KYC process which unscrupulous impostors are easily able to exploit, allowing them to do what only the actual person ought to be able to do (access an account, buy, sell, invest, sign, vote, enter…)

Even if a person is able to support his claim to identity with some form of ‘proof’ of identity:

  • something we expect only the real person to have - an identity document/passport/driver’s license… (easily spoofed), and/or 

  • something we expect only the real person to know - login name/password/PIN/‘secret’ answer to a question… (easily cloned), and/or

  • some biometric - fingerprint/faceprint/voiceprint… (biometrics only confirm a person’s own say-so)

the out-of-control incidence of identity theft that’s gone unchecked in the world, overwhelmingly attests to the fact that conventional KYC methods and measures fail to answer the “Who?”- question properly

Identity Theft

The problem of identity theft is well articulated by the American technology research and consulting firm, Gartner Inc...

"In spite of all the cyber security measures put into place by various organisations over the past many years to halt the growing incidence of identity theft all over the world, the phenomenon nevertheless continues to escalate exponentially unchecked at an alarming rate"

This charge is incontrovertibly supported by the research data...


QiD has been built on aiDX, a highly advanced Neuromorphic Biometric technology developed by research scientists at aiQ Cognitive Technologies (ex University of Johannesburg (South Africa))

Unlike conventional biometrics (fingerprint, faceprint, voiceprint…), aiDX recognises that we are each much more than a few minutiae at the end of our fingertips or a few landmarks in the face or a few inflexions in our voices…

Instead, aiDX uses advanced neuromorphic computing to simulate human cognition - how the human mind/brain recognises someone by ‘interpreting’ personal identity - that attribution which uniquely defines who we each are


From a single ‘3D selfie’ captured by aiDX of a person in an embedded browser window on his own mobile phone, aiDX mathematically computes and expresses 'personal identity' as a complex, irreversible, de-identifiable 512-numeric character cryptographic hash which uniquely identifies a person, represented by a unique 128-bit UUID (‘aiDX UUID’)

A person’s own, unique aiDX UUID (he never needs to record it or memorise it nor does he even need to be aware of it), is used by the Principal as a unique identifier assigned to know a customer, an employee, a patient, a student, a member, a subscriber, a citizen…

User Experience

Since QiD is not concerned with who the person says he is, QiD radically redefines the user experience (UX) for mobile apps - an example of a completely contactless login process (no login name/password/PIN) while ensuring that only the actual user is granted access to his account, send/receive money, invest, pay bills, sign contracts…


QiD can easily be deployed inside a mobile browser wrt a tiny URL on the one device we all already carry with us all over all the time - a standard, off-the-shelf mobile phone (even low-end phones) equipped with a ~2MP camera

As a no-code ID-as-a-Service (IDaaS) technology solution, QiD can easily and seamlessly be deployed as a component inside a Principal’s own mobile app as an iFrame - no SDK integration


Any entity (business, organisation, agency, government…) who needs to know who its customers, its employees, its patients, its students, its members, its subscribers, its citizens… actually are, is able to adopt QiD as a KYC technology solution and embed it seamlessly into its own mobile app by making a simple, secure API call to the QiD API

To be recognised as a Principal, aiQ requires a few important details about the applicant - click/touch here to submit an on-line application…

Once an entity is onboarded as a Principal, (restricted) development access to the QiD API is enabled ahead of (unrestricted) production access to the QiD Service


QiD operates on a large-volume-low-cost (LVLC) per transaction cost model

Since the actual cost depends entirely on several factors - the country in which the Principal operates, projected transaction volumes and the Principal’s preferred currency, a bespoke cost model will be structured, tailored to suit the peculiar requirements of the Principal…

Copyright - aiQ Cognitive Technologies (Pty) Ltd